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  • Top Social Media Platforms Use AI to Enhance Customer Experience

    Posted by Aiwozo on July 13, 2021 at 5:20 pm

    We all know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has immense potential and the ability to bring about a mass digital transformation across every industry. The adoption of AI and Machine Learning(ML) can advance the growth of any business and boost customer satisfaction to new scales.

    Today, AI has become a key component for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. These top social media platforms are using this transformative technology to introduce voice bots, identify visuals, enhance security, and much more.

    Technologies like AI and ML can be trained to leverage behavioral patterns, preferences, beliefs, interests to personalize customer experiences. The data collected becomes a source for AI systems to draw insights and make predictions, curate strategies to prevent forthcoming business risks and financial losses.

    Let us take a glimpse at how social media platforms are using these social media platforms to serve the customers:


    Facebook Artificial Intelligence Researchers (FAIR) has been working to develop AI systems with human intelligence. This will help in monitoring malicious activities on the platform and also advance the scope of AI technologies.

    Facebook uses the AI tool called “Deep Text”, which helps to monitor the comments, posts, and other data generated on the platform and understand how people use different languages, slang, abbreviations, and exclamation marks, to learn the context. They have also introduced chatbots in their application and AI-based systems to thwart suicides.

    They are also applying ML algorithms to build their automatic AI-based translation system to enable users from different parts of the world to translate the posts appearing in their news feed.


    The social media platform Twitter uses AI to understand and personalize the customer experience and recommends the most relevant tweets on a user’s feed. They also use AI to filter out racist, homophobic, islamophobia, and other inappropriate remarks. In countries like Germany and the UK, Twitter has also started levying fines to prevent fake news, illegal content, hate speeches, etc., from spreading on the platform.

    This social media giant uses IBM Watson and Natural Learning Processing to track down and remove abusive messages. IBM Watson can not only understand the natural language but at the same time intervene with the tone in the message and the meaning of different visuals. It can analyze millions of inappropriate things in a matter of seconds.  


    Thousands of people across the globe use Instagram to share pictures, videos, etc., with their family and friends. This Facebook-owned company has also started implementing Big Data and AI to enhance user experience, filter unwanted content and increase the result of target advertising.

    With the help of some features like tags, trending information, the platform can enable its users to easily find pictures of a particular place, event, restaurant, food, etc. In a recent study, the platform used over 100 million photos available on the internet to know more about global clothing patterns. They also use AI to fight cyberbullying.

    Instagram also uses Deep Text to identify messages and posts that are inappropriate and remove them from the platform.


    The Social media giant Snapchat uses ML models and augmented retail technology to superimpose digital animation videos as one of its features to enhance customer experience.

    It is using AI to train deep learning models and perform activities such as intercepting hand gestures. These hand gestures can then be imported to create other features using augmented reality.  The main aim to implement AI in the platform is to serve a wide customer base and enable them to access these technologies.


    Pinterest provides customized content to increase user engagement and retain its customer base.  The platform uses ML at the core of its business to generate data. ML data models pin recommendations for the users. The more time a user spends on the platform, the better recommendations he gets. They also help in the daily operations on the platform.

    All in all, each of these technologies has been using AI and ML to enhance customer experience by providing better features and increasing their customer base. These technologies truly have the potential to transform the dynamic of any country.


    Aiwozo replied 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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